I am creating this because I need a fresh start and a new blog. Things have changed, I'm so sick of those other projects and I just don't feel quite right continuing them. So here things are. It's February 25th, 2012. There's currently a rather attractive boy in my room researching regenerative medicine internships so we can stay together this summer while I work New Student Orientation. We're waiting to see that new Hayao Miyazaki movie tonight. I'll probably post a review later tonight.
In the world of Poetry, I'm currently working on my first chapbook with Professor Kristin Sanders here at Loyola. She's so brilliant; I cannot tell you how happy I am to have a professor like Kristin. At the moment I'm setting up my midterm portfolio, I'm not exactly sure how many poems she wants me to turn in, but I've got about five-six solid poems that I think are pretty much totally complete. I'm working on another group of eight that I like, but am not totally satisfied with. I will post one or maybe two of them in a little while.
I think I've decided to go for my MFA in Poetry probably LSU, FSU, Arizona or UC Davis. After receiving my MFA I want to go for my doctorate in Critical Theory and then return to some University to teach. I'd like to maybe teach at Loyola or even Tulane.
In other news, life carries on. Mardi Gras just ended and my voice is still gone, but still I had a great time. I might post some pictures sometime soon.
I will (hopefully) be keeping up with this blog regularly. I've gotten so tired of Facebook that I need something like this. (I think this is especially funny considering I help run the social networking platforms for two major resources on campus.)